How to Add Adsense Ads to Blogger blogspot blog

How to Add Adsense Ads to Blogger

Google Adsense is the number one best and largest online advertising network in the World. Its free and offer the opportunity to website(blog) owner to earn money by placing Ads on their blog or website. Adsense will shows targeted Google ads in your blog(website). Also Adsense offers the highest CPM rates that you can easily earn more money quickly even for less traffic.You will get payment  a month after reach the threshold which is $100. You can get your  payment by transferred through the Western Union, or you can use wired transfer. Here I have listed step by step process that you can use to add Adsense to your blog.

Add Adsense Advertisement to Blogger blogspot blog

1. Adsense Blogger Gadgets

Follow the below steps to add Adsense Ads by Blogger layout.

i) Login to Blogger account then go to Layout and click on Add a Gadget link as sown on screenshot below.

Add Adsense Ads to Blogger

ii) Pop-up window will be opened after click on Add a Gadget as shown on screenshot below.

Add Adsense Ads to Blogger blogspot blog

iii) Configure ad format that you wish to display it on your blog
iv) After configure ad format, Then click on save button and you are done.

Conclusion: I hope this article is helpful to Add Adsense Ads to Blogger blogspot blog, Share it or Leave a comment below.

How to Turn Off Autoplay Videos On Facebook

Turn Off Autoplay Videos on Facebook

I have prepared this article for those who are being disturbed and want to turn off autoplay videos on Facebook. Remember that Facebook turn this setting on by default. But you can turn off this feature less than a minute on Facebook apps and Computer. Follow the below steps to disable autoplay videos on Facebook.

First, Login to your  Facebook account (that you wish to disable Autoplay videos) and Click on downward caret icon in the upper right hand corner of the home screen. And select "Settings" then choose "Videos" from the menu on the far left, then change the setting for "Auto-Play Videos" to "Off".

off autoplay videos on Facebook

Mobile (iOS)

Open Facebook's iOS app, At the top select the icon of three lines in the lower right corner, then Settings>>Account Settings>>Videos and Photos>>Autoplay, and finally select "Never Auto-play Videos". You are done!.

Mobile (Android) 

Open Facebook's Android app, At the top select the icon of three lines in the lower right corner, then Settings>>App Settings>>Autoplay-play, and finally select "Never Auto-play Videos". You are done!.

Conclusion: I hope this article is helpful to  Turn Off Autoplay Videos On Facebook, Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

How to Add Contact US Form in blogger

How to Add Contact US Form in blogger 

Contact Form Widget its official version launched by Blogger. But, this contact form works only on the Blogger Sidebar. So that, if you searched many times to find out how to set up a Contact US or Contact Me form on your blog?. Do not worry, this article will lead you easily to Add Contact US Form in blogger.  As you know Contact form is very important for any blogger to have. There are two methods that can be used to Add Contact US Form in blogger. 

Add Contact Form Widget for Blogger Sidebar 

Remember that this works only on the Blogger sidebar. Lets go!
  1. Login into your blogger dashboard(that you wish to add contact us form) and Go to Layout
  2. Click on add gadgets
  3. Choose More gadgets from the left side
  4. Now, View your blog you will see Contact Form. Just add the same as below screenshot.You are done. but if you want Contact Form to appear on separated page proceed with another steps below
Add Contact US Form in blogger

Hide Contact form in Sidebar

  1.  Go to your template to hide this contact form and move it to separated page.
  2. Click on Theme>>Edit Html
  3. Search for ]]></b:skin> and Then,add below code just before above code
div#ContactForm1 {
display: none !important;

Adding Contact Form to Separated Page

  1. Go to Pages and Create a new Page.
       2. Paste below Code into the HTML post editor

<div id=”custom_ContactForm1″ class=”widget ContactForm”>

<div class=”contact-form-widget”>

<p>Get in touch with us by filling out the form below.</p>

<div class=”form”>

<form name=”contact-form”>




<input type=”text” value=”” size=”30″ name=”name” id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-name” class=”contact-form-name”>



<span style=”font-weight: bolder;”>*</span>


<input type=”text” value=”” size=”30″ name=”email” id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-email” class=”contact-form-email”>



<span style=”font-weight: bolder;”>*</span>


<textarea rows=”5″ name=”email-message” id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message” cols=”25″ class=”contact-form-email-message”></textarea>


<input type=”button” value=”Send” id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-submit” class=”contact-form-button contact-form-button-submit”>


<div style=”text-align: center; max-width: 222px; width: 100%”>

<p id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message” class=”contact-form-error-message”></p>

<p id=”ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message” class=”contact-form-success-message”></p>





<div class=”clear”></div>

<span class=”widget-item-control”>

<span class=”item-control blog-admin”>

<a title=”Edit” target=”configContactForm1″ onclick=”return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById(“ContactForm1″));” href=”//″ class=”quickedit”>

<img width=”18″ height=”18″ src=”//” alt=””>




<div class=”clear”></div>


     3. Now publish your page as contact us page. You are done.

Conclusion: If this article is useful to  Add Contact US Form in blogger , Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

How to add In-feed ad unit to blogger

When you start a blog your goals is either to earn money through Ads or do it as a passion. Google Adsense is one of the best and largest online advertising network. Its free and offer you the opportunity to earn money by placing Ads on your blog or website. But to get approved by Adsense you must follow their quality guideline. Let's go to the business how to Add Native In-feed Ads to Blogger Blogspot Blog and Improve your Earnings. Follow steps by steps below to Add Native In-feed Ads.   

add In-feed ad unit

These are Types of In-Feed Ads

  1. Image Above
  2. Image on the side
  3. Title Above
  4. Test Only
  5. In-Feed Ads Theme Selection
  6. Light Background
  7. Dark Background

How to create In-feed ad unit Adsense dashboard

  1. Login to your Adsense Account then Go to Ads Units>>> New Ad Unit
  2. Then, Select In-Feeds ads
  3. Choose the style
  4. Save your In-Feed Ad Code
  5. Lastly, Copy Code snippet

How to add In-feed ad unit to blogger

  1. Login to then choose a blog that you want to add In-feed ad
  2. Then, Go to Theme >>> Edit HTML
  3. Search this code <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
  4. Replace above code under the <b:includable id='main' var='top'> to the below code      <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post' index='x'>
  5. Now search <div class='post-outer'>
  6. Lastly, replace above code with below code
<div class='post-outer'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:x==1'>
<div class='post'>
<b:if cond='data:x==3'>
<div class='post'>

Be Carefully: Remember to replace YOUR IN-FEED ADSENSE CODE to your Adsense In-feed code that you have copied from Adsense ad units.

Conclusion: But do not depends on Ads only, you can create your own product and sell it through your blog. And If this article is useful to add In-feed ad unit to blogger, Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

Did you ever try to remove blogger navigation bar and you could not succeed. So do not worry I will let you know how to remove blogger navigation bar. Also this navigation bar can be removed easily by making some changes in your CSS code. Here I have written and provide to you two methods that can help you to remove blogger navigation bar.

Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

1. Layout 
You can remove blogger navigation bar with these below steps.
i) Login to your Blogger account that you wish to remove navigation bar and then Go to Layout at your blog.
ii) At the top side bar you will see Navbar text then click on the edit link(Navigation bar can be found anywhere either at the top,footer,side bar or anywhere)

Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

iii) Now a pop up window will be appeared when you click on edit link. Then go to scroll down and select off then save

Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

2. Make on Your Template
This is the second method that also can remove navigation bar by adding CSS code in your template. I give to you easy steps to remove navigation bar.
i) Login to your Blogger account
ii) Go to Theme/Template and click to edit HTML
iii) Then, search ]]></b:skin> in HTML code
iv) Now insert following code before  ]]></b:skin>

#navbar-iframe,#navbar { display: none !important; }

Save your Template and view your blog. You are done!

Conclusion: If this article is useful to remove blogger navigation bar , Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

Delete Google Account Permanently

Have asked yourself how to Delete Google Account Permanently?. Here I have explained step by step to on how delete Google account and account history. So that if you are looking to delete your Google account or just Gmail account. Just follow the instructions given in the below with screenshots examples then you can easily succeed deleting Gmail account.

Steps to Delete Google Account Permanently

1. Click on "My Account"
Click on Google plus log at the top right corner of the Gmail page. then click on "My Account"

Delete Google Account Permanently

2. Then, Click on Delete your account or services.

Delete Google Account Permanently

3. Delete Google services or the entire Google account
You will see two options , Deleting Google services or the entire Google account.

Delete Google Account Permanently
i) Delete Products
Google Account offers their users many services like YouTube,Gmail and e.t.c. So that if you want to delete Google services like YouTube or any other Google service  click on Delete products.

ii) Delete Google Account and data
Click on Delete Account and data to delete your entire Google account.

Delete Google Account Permanently

I strongly suggest you to download all your data before permanently deleting your account or do not delete your account keep staying along Google.

Delete Google Account Permanently
Conclusion: If this article is useful for Deleting Google Account Permanently, Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

How to Add Facebook Share Button to Blogger Posts

Add Facebook Share Button

Facebook share button is one of the best tricky to generate more visitors to your blog through Facebook, So that you should add Facebook share button into each and every blog posts that can helps to spread the post to increase the number of visitors to your blog. Here I have written and share to you a step by step to add Facebook share button to your blogger template. Adding share button in blogger its different than adding in custom sites. Such kind of code you could not find in Facebook plugin documentation.

Add Facebook share button in each and every blogger posts

1. Login to your blogger dashboard and go to theme>>edit HTML
2. Then, search for <data:post.body/> If you want to put Facebook share button just below post title, then add below code just above this code <data:post.body/>.

<div class="facebook-share">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='BUTTON-TYPE'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Facebook has provided six types of button that you can choose to add. Remember to replace BUTTON-TYPE with one of the following as shown below.
  • link
  • icon_link
  • icon
  • box_count
  • button_count
  • button
Conclusion: If this article is useful for Adding Facebook Share Button to Blogger Posts , Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

How to Disable Right Click on blogger blogspot blog

Today I present to you this simple tricks titled as How to Disable Right Click on Your Blog. In this short article you will learn to Disable Right Click on Your Blog to avoid Visitors/Users to copying your blog Content/Posts. So that, this simple tricks can help you to manage copyright issue by disabling right click on your blog. If you know some bloggers copying your content on your Blog/Site and you want to protect your blog Content from copying by them, Use this tricks and you can easily Disable Right Click to avoid this issue.

Disable Mouse Right Click

Disable Mouse Right Click on Blogger or Blogspot Blogs 

 Follow these below few steps to Disable Mouse Right Click on Blogger or Blogspot Blogs

Step 1. Login into Blogger Dashboard and go to Layout Then click on Add Gadget link as shown in below picture.

Disable Mouse Right Click


Step 2. After click Add Gadget link a popup window will open with all gadgets. Tehn choose HTML/JavaScript gadget form list as shown in below picture.

Disable Mouse Right Click

Step 3. Paste below Code just inside it.

<script language=JavaScript>
//Disable right mouse click Script
var message="Function Disabled!";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->

Steps 4. Finally, Save the Gadget and also save the Layout. You are done.

Conclusion: If this article is useful to How to Disable Right Click on Your Blog, Make sure you share it through all social networks or Leave a Comment below.

Meta Tag Optimization The Needed On Page SEO

One of the most important things for website to get ranked on the major search engines was to optimize the Meta tag section present in every webpage. However, the Meta tags were more important in the 90s, but nowadays the value of simply optimizing the Meta tags has been reduced.

Although Meta tags alone have not recognized as an effective tool, the value of optimizing a content present on the site has grown over the years. With on page optimization becoming a key part in the ranking of a website, there are several things that you have to consider, as far as Meta tag optimization is concerned, it is as follows.

Meta tags still have their importance, although they are not looked as the only thing for optimization. Search engine algorithm still follows the keywords in the Meta tags section to find if the content is relevant to the searched keyword. Whether your website is about information related to latest gadgets or about booking national and international tours via flights or even about the latest movie releases, the search engine has to know the website content. As because of vigorous use and abuse of keywords in the Meta tags, the webmasters of spam websites, have decreased the consent on Meta tags in an off themselves, hence least regarded b the search engine algorithm.

It is important to understand that optimized content matters most. Although the importance of Meta tag has reduced, for ranking a website, it is still very important for the website to have the content optimized. This might be a matter to change very soon.

Well simply because search engines now are found to be more dependent upon the policy of matching the keyword searched on search engines to the actual content of the websites or webpages. If your website content is properly optimized, then it is more likely to visible to people that are looking for the relevant information.

Also you need to know three important characteristics of optimizing the content. it is very important for your webpage content to satisfy these important factors. This will ensure that your content and website is visible on search engines and attracts more and more visitors. Make sure the theme and services or products on your website are relevant to one another, make sure you choose the keywords that have maximum number of searches on a daily basis, also make sure that there is a competition for the keywords and there are other website competing for the same keywords.

For individuals that already have a website of their own, it is not necessarily important for them to clean their website complete and start from a scratch if they are willing to fill them with more relevant keywords. What is important to simply make changes in the places which are essential? It includes the page headers, section headers, title and description, the blog content and so on.

When the point is about gaining more traffic, you need to have more content on your webpage and for this you need to make the right choice of keywords. This makes the need for the keyword tools very important; it allows you to have the right keywords which can help you to get more and more visitors. You always have the option to choose the Meta tag optimization services; don’t forget optimization is one of the needed aspects of effective search engine ranking.

Why Is Meta Tag Optimization An Important Part Of SEO?
Have you ever heard of about SEO of a website? Definitely if you are on the internet and have a website of your own, you already know the importance of need of SEO for a website. There are several activities that are included in the SEO services; it is your responsibility and ability to consider all the SEO services combine them as the best package that suits your needs for SEO of your websites.

One such important service is the Meta tag optimization service, which is equally important as any of the SEO services that you come across. Not only doing the Meta tag optimization perfectly is going to help you rank your site better, but by getting the right things at the right place shall ensure that your website gets maximum number of visitors on a daily basis. Individuals that look for things on the internet are given with relevant information in the form of websites; the Meta tags play an important role in ranking the most relevant site to least relevant site.

It becomes very important for you to make the right kind of research so that you can get the right kind of Meta tags and Meta description, which serves the purpose. Make sure you make proper research about the keywords that you want your website to be optimized for. Once you get through the right keywords for your website, you can then make the right Meta description for your site.

Most probably the Meta description must only short description, which includes the keywords along with services or products it has to offer. The title and the Meta description are the first two things that are visible on the search engine results, when the search for a particular word is made.

Very often, people are found to create Meta descriptions for their website that do not have proper meaning. They are just known to do so to make sure that the Meta description area is filled with some sentences.

Although this helps the people or individuals to get quick ranking, they fail to attain the desired amount of traffic that there are looking for. Hence, it becomes very important for you to make sure that anything or everything that you choose to write as the Meta tag description provides some meaning to it and is helpful for your website.

While searching for the relevant information on websites Google crawls through the websites Meta descriptions first to find out if there is anything relevant to the keyword available on the site. Therefore the keywords present in the Meta tags section become one of the most important aspects of Meta tag optimization. You have to keep in mind that the keywords that you have mentioned in the Meta descriptions section must be placed in the Meta tags sections too. It also helps you to get ranked for the keywords that you want to target.

The header section of your website is the one that deals with the Meta tags optimization, however there are many other tags that has to be optimized too such as the alter tags, image tags and the header tags too. Ranking and traffic into the website is a simultaneous process, where meta tag optimization play an important role.

Meta Tag Optimization- Integral Part Of On Page Optimization
On page optimization for a website is method to present it for the search engine, to make sure it ranks it well on top when the relevant keyword is searched. It helps to enhance the information present on the website. On page optimization is directly related to the content and structure of the website.

What a website in general consist of is the HTML page or a document in the PDF from or in the Microsoft word form. What on page optimization does is it reduces the HTML codes to make the webpage more presentable so that it can produce better page content. On page optimization is a very simple process that one can use by learning some basic steps and implementing them on their website. Meta tag optimization is one of the essential parts of the on page optimization.

Tags are the most important aspect of the webpages; Meta tags play an important part of the SEO, as search engine spiders look to find information related to the searched keyword present on the website, they look for the tags on the website and the content. This ensures that Meta tags are important as far as search engine optimization is concerned.

The Meta tags are divided into two important parts the Meta tag and the Meta descriptions. Meta description part is a short descriptions area which contains some information about the website and the products it has to offer. The description and the title is what show when a search is made on the search engine.

So, if the description presented on the search results is satisfactory the individual gets attracted towards the website. It has to be informative and not generic as it might distract the reader or visitor. Therefore you have to spent a lot of time, on finding out the right Meta description for your website and choose the right keyword to target.

Often found search engines use the text that they find on the webpages as a Meta description. So this makes it important for you to keep in mind that your first reader and the sentences that follow make up the descriptions too. The importance that Meta tags get is not as same as it used to be in the mid-90s and its current perspective is not clear. The best way to make a good Meta tag description is making sure that the first few lines in the paragraph is written keeping the keywords and the goal in mind and given more prominence.

By having a clear description of your website, you are likely to get the advantage of being on the top of the SERP results. Google algorithm to check optimization is by going through the keywords in the Meta description section, so make sure you include keywords in there. You can also include our contact number in your Meta description if you have not included the same in the title.

With proper Meta tag optimization, you are assured that the Google web crawler and also understood by the reader. This is definitely going to provide you an extra advantage over SEO or search engine optimization.

How to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution 

Have you tried to remove this gadget "Powered by Blogger" but you failed? In this short article i will explain how to remove powered by blogger attribution. This gadget "Powered by Blogger" located at the footer of your blog. Just follow these step by step guide to remove Blogger attribution gadget.
Powered by Blogger

Steps to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution

 1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard then Theme and then click on Edit HTML

Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

2. Open the search box by Pressing CTRL + F then search for below code

<b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title='' type='Attribution'>

3. Replace true with false

4. Save your template.

5. Go to Layout and Click on edit link on attribution gadget and then click on REMOVE. You are done.

Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Remove Powered by Blogger Attribution Gadget , Make sure you share it through all social networks.

Easily Steps to Change Facebook Password

Change Facebook Password

Always remember to change password of your facebook account even 4 time per year, In this article i will explain how to change facebook password in easily few steps with screenshots example. And i advice you to choose and create strong password which  including symbols, digits, uppercase alphabets, lowercase,  etc. When you have strong password it will not be easy for someone trying log in or hack your account.

Follow These Easily Steps to Change Facebook Password

1. Go to and  log in to your account.
2. After log in, Go to your account settings by clicking on the small downward arrow at the top right, then click on "Settings".
3. You will find options on general account settings about your facebook account, then click on "security and login"
4. Then click on "Change password". Facebook will ask to enter your current and the new password. Enter those and click on "Save change". You are done!!.

Change Facebook Password

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Change Facebook Password, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to Add Meta Tags to Blogger Template

Add Meta Tags

Add Meta Tags to Blogger Template

Adding Seo meta tags its easily and its good healthy for your blog. When you start your blog your goal is to get many many qualified traffic to your blog, But your goal will not be achieve if your blog is not Search Engine Friendly, So that in this case you need to make sure your blog is fully Search Engine Optimized and add meta tags to your blogger template will be easily people to reach your site through Searching on Search Engine like Google,Bing,yahoo etc. Just follow few simple steps to add meta tags to blogger template.

Must read: How to Backup Your Blogger Template

Steps to Add Meta Tags to Blogger Template

Before make any changes Backup Your Blogger Template

1. Go to blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit Html and search for <head>
2. Then delete every thing from <head> to <b:skin><![CDATA[
3. Copy and Paste below code after <head>

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
    <meta content='Your Blog Description here!' name='description'/>
    <meta content='Your Keywords here!' name='keywords'/>
    <meta content='Author Name here!' name='Author'/>
    <meta content='Author Email Address here!' name='Email'/>
    <meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
    <meta content='all' name='audience'/>
    <meta content='general' name='rating'/>
    <meta content='all' name='robots'/>
    <meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
    <meta content='id' name='language'/>
    <meta content='id' name=''/>
    <meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
    <meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
    <meta content='Indonesia' name='geo.placename'/>

Please add your own Description, Title, Keywords.

Blog Description : Write your blog description
Blog Keywords : Write the keywords of your blog
Blog Author : Write the author's name (your name)
Email Address : Write your Email address

4. Save your Template. You are done!!!

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Add Meta Tags to Blogger Template, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

Rename multiple files at once on Windows

Rename multiple files at once on Windows

Have you think to rename multiple files at once on your Computer? Renaming each file will take a lot of time, So that if you have a large number of files this trick will help you to rename multiple files at once on Computer. Follow few steps given below to rename multiple files in windows 7 and windows 8 .

rename multiple files

Steps to rename multiple files at once on Windows

1. Open the folder that you wish to select the files

2. Select the multiple that you wish to rename at once

rename multiple files at once on windows

3. Press F2 or Right click on a file and the select rename

4. Write the name that you wish to change in a file

5. You are done!! you can see that file have been  renamed and just the counter values of each file got changed

rename multiple files at once on Windows

Conclusion: If this article is useful to rename multiple files at once on Windows , Make sure you share it through all social networks.

Add Alexa Rank Widget in blogger

Add Alexa Rank Widget in blogger

It's easily to add Alexa Rank widget in blogger to boost your ranking. You need to be considered to add the alexa rank checker on widget sidebar of your blog directly. The high ranked blog site can attract advertisers with high payment.

Must Read: How to submit robot.txt to Google Search Console

alexa rank checker

Add Alexa Rank Checker Widget to Blogger

1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard
2. Go to layout section
3. Then click on "Add a gadget" at any position you wish to place the widget
4. Select "HTML/Javascript"
5. Add below code on it

<a href="">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></a>

6. Replace with your blog's name
7. Save it, You are done!! The widget will take few minutes to appear.

Conclusion: If this article is useful to Add Alexa Rank Widget in blogger, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to enable private browsing in Mozilla FireFox

You must have to enable private browsing in some important issues, Like you sign in to your e-mail in a public browsing center or sign in into your Bank account through your friends PC or while using cache free browsing. Private browsing feature to browse and when you close window everything will be forgotten by the browser, so that nobody can find what you surfed previously. Here are few steps to help you to enable incognito mode  in Mozilla FireFox.

Must Read: How to enable private browsing in Google Chrome

Steps to enable private browsing in Mozilla FireFox

Step 1. Open Firefox and Go to menu. This is donated by the three horizontal bars at the top 
right of your window.

Step 2. Click on options and then Go to Privacy Settings page.

Step 3. In the history settings section, change the default history setting by selecting 
"Use custom settings for history"

Step 4. Select this section "Always use private browsing mode". You may need to restart your 
browser for the change to take effect.

enable private browsing in Mozilla FireFox

You are done. Now Firefox will always be in private mode and will not ever record anythings.

Be carefully: Although  the browsing data is deleted, any changes you make to the browser, such us changes in bookmarks, settings changes etc. will atay on along with any downloaded content which will be kept as such like normal browsing mode.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for enable private browsing in Mozilla FireFox, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to enable private browsing in Google Chrome

Enable private browsing in Google Chrome

You must have to enable private browsing in some important issues, Like you sign in to your e-mail in a public browsing center or sign in into your Bank account through your friends PC or while using cache free browsing. Private browsing feature to browse and when you close window everything will be forgotten by the browser, so that nobody can find what you surfed previously. Here are few steps to help you to enable incognito mode  in Google Chrome(Desktop and Mobile).

Steps to enable private browsing in Google Chrome Browser

1. Click the vertical three-dot icon at the top right corner of the Desktop or Mobile.
2. Click on the New incognito window (For Desktop) or New incognito Tab (For Mobile) or you 
can use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N to open the New incognito window in Google Chrome browser.
3. A new window appears with the incognito icon at the top left corner.

incognito mode  in Google Chrome

Conclusion: If this article is useful for private browsing in Google Chrome, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to flash stock ROM using SP flash tool

 SP flash Tool

Flash stock ROM using SP flash tool

SP flash tool is the among of the best smartphone flash tool to use. In this article i will guide you to use SP flash tool (Smart Phone Flash Tool) to install the custom ROM on your android device.

Requirements: Your phone must have at least 40%-50% of battery and USB Drivers.

Must Read: How to unlock android Phone after too many pattern attempts

Let's follow all steps carefully to use SP flash tool.

1. Download and Install the android USB drivers on your Computer. You can skip this step if you have already installed them.

2. Switch Off your Android Phone and remove the battery if it is removable.

Switch off

3. Then download the stock ROM or the custom ROM which you wish to install on your Phone. After download extract zip file on your Computer.

4. Now download the SP flash Tool on your Computer and then extract downloaded zip file on your Computer. As you can see the following files listed.

 SP flash Tool

5. From the files listed run the Flash_tool.exe file

 SP flash Tool

6. When the SP Flash tool is started, click on the Scatter-Loading button that located on the right side

 SP flash Tool

7. Now locate the scatter file in your custom or stock ROM. It is generally located in the bin/ directory.

8. Now click the Download button to stert the downloading process.

 SP flash Tool

9. After completed all the above steps, Connect your Smart Phone to your computer using(through) USB Cable and press any button other than power button so that your system will detect your device. You can use volume buttons.

 SP flash Tool
10. When flashing process is completed, a green ring will appear on your Computer. Now disconnect your device and  switch it ON. You are Done!