How to Backup Your Blogger Template

Before editing your blogger template make sure you backup your blogger template why? If you run into any problems with your edits, you can easily revert your template back to its previous by restoring it.

1. Go to and login to your account.
2. Select the blog which you want to take the backup.
3. Click on "Template" from the left sidebar.
4. Then, Click on Backup/Restore button displaying on the top right of the screen.

5. Click on "Download full template" button.

Finally, You will see a file gets downloaded, which is .xml format. it contains all your appearance based settings. You can use this XML file to restore your design in case anything is damaged.

How to Backup Posts of a Blogger Blog

1. Go to Settings>> Other
2. Under Import & backup, you can see a button named Backup content. Click on it.

3. Then, Click on "Save to your computer" button and all blog posts will get saved to your computer in XML format

Finally, You can use this file to restore your blog anytime or to move your blog to WordPress.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for backup your blogger template, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

Meta tag optimization for blogger

Meta tag optimization

Meta tag optimization

Meta keyword optimization and Meta tag optimization are very important among the SEO tips for blogger. In order to rank better your site's in search engine, you must add meta tags or keywords in every blogger posts, you can not because there is only meta description place in blogger. there you can to find keywords adding space. So if you want to add meta tags or keywords, you must to add some codes on your template. Meta tags are also as important as meta description. Meta tag optimization help you to increase search ranking of your site's and traffic.

Adding meta tags(Meta tag optimization) in each blogger post:

Important: I recommend you to back up of your template before change any code of your template.

1. Log in into your blogger
2. Choose your blog that you want to add code
3. Go to template>>edit html
4. And then find the code <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
5. Then paste the below codes below the above code.

 <b:if cond='data:blog.url == "PAGE-URL"'>
<meta content='PAGE-DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='PAGE-KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>

6. Then you have to paste above code every times when you posts

Important: If you have 40 posts, also you should copy and paste code 40 times too.

7. Finally, Click on Save template button. you are done.

1. Replace url of your post in PAGE-URL.
2. Replace your meta description in PAGE-DESCRIPTION.
3. Replace your meta keyword in PAGE-KEYWORD

Conclusion: If this article is useful for SEO tips for blogger, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

Password and data recovery for memorycard

Password and data recovery for memorycard 

This trick will help you to recover Memory card password and data recovery for memorycard. have you forgot your Micro SD Memory Card password? You just locked your Micro SD Memory card by setting a password but after a long time when you reinserted your SD card asked for the password and you have forgot the password. Here's i prepared the solution to recovery memory card password and data recovery for memorycard.

Must Read: How to Recover Empty folder data using CMD

Lets do it

For Java and Symbian users:

Method 1: Data recovery for memorycard.

1. By using File Explorer application go to C: in your mobile, Download File Explorer below
2. Find mmcstore
3. Transfer that mmcstore file to PC, though bluetooth or whatever medium.
4. Open the file in Notepad
5. Here you can find your Password.

   Download File Explorer here : DOWNLOAD

 Method 2: Data recovery for memorycard.

1. By Using File Explore go to C: in your mobile.
2. Find mmcstore and change the file to .txt Extension
3. Transfer that mmcstore file to PC, through bluetooth or whatever medium.
4. Open the file in Notepad
5. Here you can find your Password.

For Only Android Users:
Use as the same steps given above with ES File Explorer 

Conclusion: If this article is useful for you to data recovery for memorycard, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to Recover Empty folder data using CMD

If your file/folder getting disappeared when you plugin your USB flash drive to the PC and getting only the empty folders, or getting empty Folders in Hard disk? Don't be afraid, here i have prepared some magic tips and tricks to recover all those files back. Just follow below given steps in a CMD (Command Prompt) in Window to recover empty file/folder data in your USB flash drive, Also you can even follow these instruction to recover empty file/folder data in Hard Drive or Memory cards.

Must Read: Password and data recovery for memorycard 

Lets do it:

1. Go to Start=>Run=>cmd 
2. Type this command : attrib -h -r -s /s /d K:*.*
3. "K"  Should be replaced with the drive alphabet of your (pendrive/ Hard Disk Location/ Memory card ) that you have inserted into the PC.
4. If your pendrive shows the drive alphabet as "H" Just type this command like this: attrib -h -r -s /s /d H:*.*
5. Finally, press enter...You are done go and check.

Recover Empty Folder Data using Winrar:

1. Open Winrar.
2. Navigate to your Pendrive location, there you can find your files.
3. Copy files somewhere in your Hard Drive.
4. Format pendrive and then copy the files again to USB flash drive.

Be carefully, Don't copy any Exe or inf files. 

Conclusion: If this article is useful for you, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to disable blue ticks on whatsapp

disable blue ticks on whatsapp

Hi Everyone, Let me teach you a cool trick to disable blue ticks on whatsapp, WhatsApp brought a new update on its messenger that let users to know their messages have been read(received). But this brings serious problem to many users in case of privacy. This tricks can help you easily to disable blue ticks on whatsapp. Just read this short article below will prevent showing double blue ticks to others.

Follow these few steps to disable blue ticks on whatsapp.

1. First, Download the latest version of WhatsApp from the official site "" - 2.11.448
2. In your mobile go to settings=>security=>Check Unknown Sources, "Don't be afraid" - We are doing this because, we are installing an app not from Google Play Store. But, from other means this app is 100% secure.
3. Open the latest version of WhatsApp in your Phone and install it.
4. Open WhatsApp, Click on three vertical dots.
5. Go to Settings=>Accounts=>Privacy.
6. Uncheck Read receipts, As shown below in the picture.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for you to disable blue ticks on whatsapp, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

how to record your screen on a computer

Have you ever thought how to record your screen on a computer? this short article can help you to do that, why we are using screen recorder?, Mostly used by bloggers for creating video tutorial for their views or even you can use to undownloadable YouTube videos or whetever . You can record your screen by using a free screen video recorder software called CamStudio.

Lets do it:
1. First, Download the software by clicking here DOWNLOAD
2. Install the application and open it.
3. Select the specific region to be recorded by clicking the Region tab.
4. Click on the red circle button to record and Blue square button to stop.
5. Immediately after when the video gets recorded, you will find a pop-up showing the file to save.
6. Click save and enjoy recording.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for record your screen on a computer, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to remove autorun virus

You getting annoyed of this dawn Autorun virus and found no way and finally came here through googles search, Don't be afraid your problem will be solved after reading this article carefully, Just follow these few steps and you can remove the Autorun virus successfully.

Lets do it:
1. Press together Winkey + R and then type cmd.
2. If you are in the root directory or any other directory, Just move to your pendrive's directory (On my PC it is H)
3. Type in ( attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf ), type it without brackets and press enter.
4. Type ( del autorun.inf ), type it without brackets and press enter.
5. Finally, After finishing deleting, Just restart your PC.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for remove autorun virus , Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to Fix "This copy of windows is not genuine" in Windows 7.

Hi Everyone, Let me teach you some magic trick to remove "This copy of windows is not genuine" in Windows 7, this massage located at the right bottom corner of your desktop (Windows Users), It is showing "Evaluation copy. Build 7100. This copy of windows is not genuine",  Don't be afraid here are some few tricks that can make change your computer to have a genuine Windows Operating System (Kind of :P)

Why this happen?
Windows have a file called WAT which checks your PC for the Windows Activation. once your Windows is not active, it will show up this "Evaluation copy. Build 7100. This copy of windows is not genuine". here is the tool to remove that called Wat Remover.

Follow this few steps:
1. Download Wat Remover from here DOWNLOAD.
2. Just run the executable file (RemoveWAT.exe).
3. And then, Click on the Remove Wat Button.
4. Restart your PC.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for windows 7 not genuine, Make sure you share it through all social networks.

How to use Whatsapp without Bluestacks.

WhatsApp  is the world's most famous mobile messenger that which is used by more than 1 billion people. So  that you do not need to install Bluestacks anymore to use whatsapp on your PC/Computer. When you are working with your PC and you do not want to peak into your Mobile. You can login to web and you can chat. Just follow the simple steps below to use whatsapp on your PC.

1. First, Update your Whatsapp with new version from Playstore.

2. Next, Open your Whatsapp application in your smartphone, Touch the three vertical dots at the Top Right corner and then select Whatsapp Web.

3. Then go to - This is the website that where you will go to use whatsapp, this QR code scanning is just a verification to log in to your whatsapp account. Uncheck the "Keep me signed in" Option if want some privacy.

4. Then you will get a camera view in your phone, Scan the QR code through your Phone.

5. You are done!!  Now you will get into your web Whatsapp.

Conclusion: If this article is useful for you, Make sure you share it through all social networks.